songwriting tips 5

The Blues meets European Logic
The Blues usually means a 12 bar chord progression
based on the the major chords in a major key
in G it's G C & D
then each one is changed into a 7 type chord
and presented in an order that's similar to this
||G7 / / / | G7 / / / | G7 / / / | G7 / / / |
| C7 / / / | C7 / / / | G7 / / / | G7 / / / |
| D7 / / / | C7 / / / | G7 / / / | D7 / / / ||
The amount of bars is really only a guide
"Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash
has an 11 bar blues sequence.

European Logic makes sense.
we modulate between modes of the same pitch.
the Nirvana formula uses Major Scale to Natural Minor Mode
"Smells Like Teen Spirit"
|| F / Bb / | Ab / Db / ||
F & Bb are from F Major
Ab & Db are from F Natural Minor(Ab)

"I Feel Fine" by The Beatles
Exploits a G7 blues for the verses
with a G Major chord progression in the middle section.
a good example for songwriting tips 5
The Blues meets European Logic
see it here
there's more to come
like the Spiderman Theme,Cheryll Crow,Layla and The Stones etc etc
check out "Under the Bridge" by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers
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