songwriting tips 1

Songwriting tips 1 is very basic
We are discovering where to look
Our ears will taste our composition and compare it with our competition
we are "learning where to look for chords to place after our first chord"
our starting point is
major keys
lets restrict our composition to major keys only
99% of what we listen to is this anyway
we'll use G Major for our composition
you could use powerchords

you could use 3 note chords

you could use 4 note chords

if we start with Gmaj7 or G or G5
then follow with any chords from the 3 note, 4 note or powerchords in G
we have constructed a chord progression in the key of G Major
|| G / / / | Am / / / | C5 / / / |B5 / / / | Em7 / / / | D7 / / / | Cmaj7 / Am7 / | G / / / ||
do the same for other keys
here's one in C Major
|| C / / / | Am7 / / / | Fmaj7 / / / |D5 / / / |E5 / / / |G7 / / / |Dm7 / / / |G / F5 D5 | C / / / ||
In songwriting tips 2
Writing in a Mode
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songwriting tips 1